But the writing is clearly on the wall that the Goverment is on the hunt and loaded for bear. Those that survive will need to make sure that their people are as fit and ready as they can be and remain so. This is where coaching comes in. A sure-fire and cost-effective way of ensuring that the key people in an organisation are sharp and stay honed.
Thursday, 30 July 2009
More Savings in the Public Sector Sought
People Management is quoting the Read Report which claims that there is a further £4 billion, beyond the original Gershon estimates, in savings to be made in public sector back-office services. As can be seen in the article the Commons Treasury committee doubts this figure and so should we.
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
A Meeting with Janet Torley
I had a terrific meeting this afternoon with Janet Torley who runs The Small Business Club here in Scotland. Janet is one of the great networkers of small buiness in Central Scotland and her views are well worth seeking out. We talked about the current recession, the winners and losers, and the sorts of ways that are most effective in finding new clients in these straitened times.
It was great to hear Janet's ideas come pouring out as she gave generously of her considerable knowledge. It goes to show how important it is to stay in touch and network, particularly at the moment. Thanks Janet.
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Diomedea Executive Coaching Graphic Design

e-Business Promotion in Portobello have done an excellent job in constructing the Diomedea Executive Coaching website.

But we musn't forget the contribution made by 39steps in Edinburgh who did the superlative graphic design. Well done to both companies.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
New guidelines bring hope for world seabirds
New guidelines bring hope for world seabirds
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These guidelines will help to make sure that Diomedea, the albatross, will not become extinct.
Rising House Prices
The BBC is reporting a rise in average house prices month-on-month of 0.1% in June. see: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/8172097.stm
This is the first rise since January 2008 -very good and welcome news. If the trend continues it may signify yet another green shoot of recovery. Firms who invest now in people development including executive coaching will be best placed capitalise on the recovery.
Reading my Blog
Being very new to blogging it has taken me some time to perfect posting my blog on my website. But now I am really happy to announce that you can read my Blog at my website www.diomedeacoaching.com
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Coaching in the Dark Times
Good to see Lewis Hamilton back to his winning ways. It must have been hard for him to maintain his commitment and optimism when thigs were not going well.
Most of us will have at least some experience of this. Having a trusted coach during the dark times can help us prepare for when things get better.
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Understanding your Market
I discovered the other day that it is really critical to know what your market wants rather than what you think it needs. An old lesson I know but one that's worth relearning every so often.
Green Shoots and Peparedness
With the first green shoots of recovery possibly appearing it's time to ask if you are positioned properly for the recovery. Coaching can definitely help because it helps what you have already identified as your needs.
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