Friday 18 September 2009

Do 90% of Organisations Really Use Coaching?

The CIPD is featuring research that purports to show that a whopping 90% of companies polled use coaching.  Now without knowing what the methodology was (the final paper has not been released yet) it is hard to evaluate the findings, but the claim does strain credibility.  Are we really to believe that so many companies use either internal or external qualified, even EMCC accredited, coaches?  Or is it a case of managers when asked saying  "oh yes we coach our staff", when in fact they have no proper training at all?

Here at Diomedea Executive Coaching we only use properly qualified coaches who have undergone rigorous training to EMCC standards.  It is not enough to simply say you are a coach.  You need to be properly qualified as well.  Only then can you help your clients to find their wings and fly.

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  1. Hi Peter

    Absolutely agree. All too often I come across people who call themselves coaches who haven't had training, who don't have insurance, who don't have any idea of what coaching models are available, who don't know how to deal with significant client issues, etc. and yet state they are professional.

    I'm also curious to know what the actual benchmarks companies use to assess potential coaching service providers.

    Pete Mackechnie

  2. In recent times, executive coaching has been the answer as it helps executives put the pieces together and remain competitive, while also maintaining a healthy life-work balance.

    Executive coaching
